Assessment FAQ
We offer multiple ways to pay your Annual Homeowners Assessments.
- The HOA assessments can be paid online at no cost by e-check or by credit card with the bank convenience fee. An electronic check or e-check is an electronic version of a paper check used to make a payment online.
- You will need the information on your assessment statement to process the payment. You can then log onto www.sterlingasi.net to make an e-payment, check the status of payment, get notification of payment receipt and much more.
Look for account number and password for login with your annual statement.
Remember Electronic payments are made instantly and include email payment confirmations.
No postage hassles or late fees
Eliminate the last paper check you write and go electronic!
Contact our managing agent Sterling with any assessment related questions.
Phone: 832-678-4500
Email: kingwood@sterlingasi.com