Covenants (CC&Rs}
This is a list of frequently referenced documents for your convenience:
- Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
- Guidelines for Rain Barrels and Rain Harvesting Systems, Solar Energy (Et. al)
- Understanding Protective Covenants
- Protective Covenants for Elm Grove Sec 1
- Protective Covenants for Elm Grove Sec 2
- Protective Covenants for Elm Grove Sec 3
- Architectural Guidelines (ACC)
Notice of Dedicatory Instruments
Notice of Dedicatory Instruments
- Articles of Incorporation
- By-laws
- Guidelines relating to Rain Barrels and Rain Harvesting Systems
- Solar Energy Devices, Storm and Energy Efficient Shingles, Flags and Religious Items
- Payment Plan Policy
- Open Records Policy
- Records Retention Policy
Forms, Requests, Applications:
Architectural Modification Request: Electronic Submission or Download Application
Rent Our Clubhouse/Community Center: Information and Reservation Form
Apply for Board Membership